Recent Articles

I Matter—Combatting Combat Fatigue On The Frontlines Of Emergency Management
May 18, 2023
Your stress management should not stress you more! There are simple shifts and tools that you can start today to reclaim mind, body, and spirit, and energize your health and happiness, even under duress. Let this PDF help you brainstorm some small tweaks with which you can “play” or experiment to boost your coping confidence, energy, and well-being. Become part of the cultural shift to creating workplaces and homes that supports the best of human thriving.

The Pandemic’s Gift of a Lifetime—Empowering Your Kids to Handle Stress
November 17, 2021
Sadly, we entered this pandemic already stretched too thin—mentally and physically. Stress in adults and children have been rising steadily and mental health declining as we’ve trudged onward to survive in a culture that, not only didn’t teach us effective tools to deal with the realities of demanding lives but also makes us feel guilty or ashamed when we don’t feel/act/look like some Insta-worthy super-human. Let’s not keep passing this legacy on to our kids!

More Aaah in the Spa: Supporting Your Wellness Clients
May 4, 2021
Self-care is finally understood as critical to resilience, immunity, and even productivity. Everyone is entering the post-pandemic world with more fear, stress, and overwhelm than ever before. They need that moment of relaxation and recovery—that “Aaah” moment—that is the specialty of spas and wellness destinations. How can you support your current and future customers in finding their “Aaah” moment?

Stress or Serenity? The Wellness Industry After COVID
April 20, 2021
The spa and wellness industry gives clients and guests a soothing, healthy, and happy environment in which to restore their mental and physical resilience. But before that can happen, your own workers may need comfort and recovery.
Fortunately, as you deal with the post-pandemic fears and lingering stress of your staff, you will also gain important tools and tips for helping your clients and guests settle into their “aah” moment of stress-free peace, health, and goodwill.

Stress Management Programs—Why Some Fail and Some Succeed
March 19, 2021
The central dilemma of workplace stress is that employers themselves are often too stressed to provide the level of care, support, communication, and flexibility their employees need, even though they really want to! This is especially true now, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn what makes a Stress Management Program successful in this article.

12 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Stress Reduction
March 8, 2021
Mindful Audio

Mindful Feelings
April 20, 2021
Are your feelings ramped up, scattered, or flattened these days?
A quick meditation on accepting your feelings with self-compassion.
No… this is not self-indulgent! Find power in accepting and creating space between your feelings and assigning meaning to them.

3-Minute Brain Recharge
February 17, 2021
Have 3 minutes to hit refresh for your brain cells?
Graphic Credit: goritza | Music by Chris Collins
More resources coming soon. For now, please check out my YouTube channel for other guided visualizations.